
第43章 赛后采访 (第1/2页)


【记者d】will I still train with coach Li Zhisen next season? will it still be transferred?



【翻译人员】I will continue to train with coach Li Zhisen next season because I have signed a long-term contract with him.

【记者E】Since your promotion, your career has been quite smooth. do you have any injuries or problems?



【翻译人员】Every athlete has injuries, let's not mention that.

【记者F】what are the goals for next season? For example, how many gold medals to win and so on.



【翻译人员】I definitely hope to win gold medals in next season's petitions. I will continue to train hard and strive not to fall off the podium.

【记者c】Is it regrettable not to participate in the final of the Grand prix of Figure Skating? because you missed the gold medal in the Grand prix Finals and the world championships this season, and the world championships have not yet begun.



【翻译人员】I'm sorry that I didn't win the gold medal in the Grand prix Finals. but in that situation, in order to continue participating in the petition in the future, I chose to withdraw from the petition and recuperate.

【记者A】what do you want to say to the ice fans who support you?



【翻译人员】thank you for your support. I will continue to work hard and prove to everyone that liking me is right.

【记者A】thank you for accepting the interview, and I wish you good results in any uping petitions.



【翻译人员】thank you all.






特种兵王 大唐贞观第一逍遥王 妃撩不可:污王滚下榻 三国之天下至尊 回到宋朝我是哲宗 乱世之召唤猛将 红粉公子贾宝玉 黄埔江大亨 不良王妃,易推倒 王牌宠溺:三世妖妃惑天下